Project Native Informant


The collective DIS is exemplary in defining what Hannah Black in Artforum describes as the “relentless anxiety about the conditions and possibilities of art and life, express(ing) the despairing atomization, and the compromised longing for solidarity, of a post-bourgeois creative class hovering on the brink of its own obsolescence”.

Formed in 2010, after the fallout of the 2008 financial crisis and global recession, DIS as an entity has over the decade typified its aesthetic, cultural, political and economic impact. Composed of Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, Marco Roso and David Toro, DIS’ interventions blur the distinctions between art, curation, theory, advertising, fashion, retail and technology, manifesting across a range of media and platforms, from site-specific museum and gallery exhibitions to ongoing online projects, often all at once. Their work exists often simultaneously online and in situ, as well as more traditional mediums like photography, sculpture, video and installation. Their current multi year project is a subscriber-based online video channel popularising in “edutainment”, helping us understand the complicated social machinery of our techno-capitalist world. The channel presents new commissions with other artists as well as DIS’ own content.

In 2021, DIS co-curated the Biennial for Image Movement Geneva, featuring their latest work Everything but the World. In a series of interrelated vignettes, Everything But The World presents a non-linear, natural history show about homo sapiens, linking the agricultural revolution to Amazon fulfillment centers. It addresses the gulf between the complexity of the human’s global existence and the smallness of their private everyday lives, and confronts our obsession with “the end of the world” knowing the arrogance of that word: ‘the’.

Recent solo exhibitions include, How To Become A Fossil at Secession, Vienna, Everything But The World at Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin and Big Beat Disaster at Project Native Informant, London. 

Solo Exhibitions
2024Everything But The World, MoCA Busan, Busan
Everything But The World, CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain, Bordeaux
2023Big Beat Disaster, Project Native Informant, LondonEverything But The World, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin2022How To Become A Fossil, Secession, Vienna
2021A Good Crisis, Turku Art Museum, Turku
2020DIS: Ten Years, Art Basel, Basel
DIS: Ten Years, PNI Online2019XOXO, Safety Net, Oil by Bijutsu Techo, Tokyo2018A Good Crisis, Project Native Informant, London
A Good Crisis, Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore
XOXO, Safety Net, SSENSE, Montreal
Thumbs That Type and Swipe: The DISEdutainment Network, Plug in ICA, Winnipeg
Thumbs That Type and Swipe: The DISEdutainment Network, Casa Encendida, Madrid2017Genre-Nonconforming: The DISEdutainment Network, DeYoung Museum, San Francisco
Narrative Devices with Babak Radboy, Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2016Image Life, Project Native Informant, London
2014DISown Not For Everyone, Red Bull Arts, New York
2013DISImages Studio, The Suzanne Geiss Company, New York
2012Fair Trade, Frieze Projects, London
2011DIS HQ, Invisible Exports, New York
Group Exhibitions
2024DIS, Juliana Huxtable, Morag Keil Project Native Informant at Frieze Seoul, SeoulVisual Vertigo - Scenarios of Rapid Changes, Fondazione MAST, Bologna2023DIS | Dozie Kanu, Project Native Informant at Art Basel Miami Beach, MiamiPNI @ 10, Project Native Informant, London
Someone is Getting Rich, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Subject to Shadowban, M+ Museum, Hong Kong
2022A Wake Up Song Mr. President, Abdellia Palace, Tunis
The Dreamers: An Echoing, BASEMENT ROMA, Rome
at dawn, Julia Stoschek Collection, Berlin
Objects of Desire: Photography and the Language of Advertising, LACMA, Los Angeles
2021Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, MoCA Taipei, Taiwan
A Goodbye Letter, A Love Call, A Wake-Up Song, Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Geneva
One Escape at a Time | 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Exit World, Medellín Modern Art Museum, Medellín
The Dreamers, Belgrade Biennale, Belgrade
2020DIS Presents: What Do People Do All Day?, Tranen, Hellerup
DIS Presents: What Do People Do All Day?, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
DIS | Jonathan Horowitz, Sadie Coles HQ and Project Native Informant, London
2019CONDO London, Project Native Informant, London
2018up the river down the tide, Various Small Fires, Los Angeles
Fashion Work, Fashion Workers, CCS Bard
Title II, Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran, Montreal
I Was Raised on the Internet, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Art in the Age of the Internet, ICA Boston, Boston
2017Group Show, Project Native Informant, London
We Are Here, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Utopia/Dystopia Part II, Museum of Art Architecture and Technology, Lisbon
.com/.cn, K11 Foundation, Hong Kong
Citizen X - Human, Nature, and Robot Rigts, Øregaard Museum, Copenhagen
Whistleblowers and Vigilantes, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
2016Philippe Thomas with Interventions by Bernadette Corporation, DIS and Emily Segal, Project Native Informant, London
Whistleblowers and Vigilantes, HMKV, Dortmund
2015Ocean of Images: New Photography 2015, The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Co-Workers, Musee d'Arte Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
Surround Audience, New Museum Triennial, New Museum, New York
2014In the Hotel, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden
2013ProBio, Expo 1: New York, MoMA PS1, New York
89Plus Marathon and DISCRIT 89Plus with Hans Ulrich Obrist and Simon Castet, Serpentine Gallery, London and Foundation Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino
2023Curation - PAF 22nd Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art, Olomouc
2021Curation - A Love Letter, a Wake-Up Call, or a Goodbye Song, Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Geneva, Online
2017Styles and Customs of the 2020s, Commissioned by Hillman Photography Initiative, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh
2016Curation - The Present in Drag, Berlin Biennale, Berlin
2014Curation - DISown. Not for Everyone, Red Bull Studios, New York
2013Production - Art in America, December 2013 Cover
2012Production - Watermarked, Men’s Fall 2012 Collection Video, Commissioned by Kenzo, Paris
Curation - DIS CRIT
2010Elastic Youth: Interpreting the Scrunchie, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
New in Stock: Free, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
2022Everything But The World, Secession, Vienna
2014ArtSelfie, Jean Boîte Editions, Paris
Public Collections
The Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation, Chicago
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
MoCA Busan, Busan
Musee d'Arte Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Sishang Art Museum, Beijing
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
X Museum, Beijing
Zabludowicz Collection, London

Installation View

Big Beat Disaster, 2023
Project Native Informant, London


Eighth Grade World History.

Giclée print on cotton rag, burnt walnut storm shutter frame
146 x 112 x 77.5 cm
57 1/2 x 44 1/8 x 30 1/2 in


Read it again, Daddy.

Giclée print on cotton rag, burnt walnut storm shutter frame
146 x 112 x 77.5 cm
57 1/2 x 44 1/8 x 30 1/2 in


So Sad

Giclée print on cotton rag, burnt walnut frame
146 × 112 × 7.5 cm (57 1/2 × 44 1/8 × 3 in)


Still: Everything But The World

Single-channel HD video
37 mins 50 secs

Installation View

Everything But The World, 2023
Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin


Still: Everything But The World

Single-channel HD video
37 mins 50 secs


Still: Everything But The World

Single-channel HD video
37 mins 50 secs


Fossil passing

Giclée print on cotton rag, pen on Post-It notes, custom burnt walnut shutter frame
146 x 112 x 7.5 cm
57 1/2 x 44 1/8 x 3 in

Installation View

How To Become A Fossil, 2022
Secession, Vienna

Installation View

How To Become A Fossil, 2022
Secession, Vienna


Baby, we didn't survive

Giclée print on cotton rag, custom burnt walnut shutter frame
146 x 112 x 13.5 cm
57 1/2 x 44 1/8 x 5 1/4 in

Installation View

DIS Presents: What Do People Do All Day?, 2020
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen

Installation View

DIS Presents: What Do People Do All Day?, 2020
Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen


DISimages, The New Wholesome (Tags: Flip Flops, Dishwasher, Gap, Smell)

C-type print, framed
50.8 x 71.1 x 4 cm
20 x 28 x 1 5/8 in


Still: A Good Crisis

Single-channel HD video
3 mins, 48 secs


Untitled (Beyond the Age of Debt)

Giclée print on Aquarelle Canson paper, charred walnut frame
93 x 73 x 7 cm
36 5/8 x 28 3/4 x 2 3/4 in


September 26, 2011

Diptych giclée print on Canson Aquarelle paper, aluminium frames
Each: 84.5 x 64.5 x 3.5 cm
33 1/4 x 25 3/8 x 1 3/8 in


January 9, 2008

Diptych giclée print on Canson Aquarelle paper, aluminium frames
Each: 84.5 x 64.5 x 3.5 cm
33 1/4 x 25 3/8 x 1 3/8 in


Still: UBI the Straight Truvada

Single-channel HD video
4 mins, 51 secs



Giclée print on Canson Aquarelle paper, aluminium frame
84.5 x 64.5 x 3.5 cm
33 1/4 x 25 3/8 x 1 3/8 in


Still: Obama Baroque

Single-channel HD video
4 mins, 2 secs


Lock Your Doors Upper East Siders​ (Obama Baroque)

Digital print on aluminium
115.6 x 91.1 cm
45 1/2 x 35 7/8 in


Lock Your Doors Upper East Siders​ (Stock Problems)

Digital print on aluminium
115.6 x 91.1 cm
45 1/2 x 35 7/8 in

Installation View

Thumbs That Type and Swipe: The DISEdutainment Network, 2018
Casa Encendida, Madrid


Thumbs That Type and Swipe

Digital c-type print, lightbox and artist’s frame
98 x 76 x 10 cm
38 5/8 x 29 7/8 x 4 in


Thumbs That Type and Swipe

Digital c-type print, lightbox and artist’s frame
98 x 76 x 10 cm
38 5/8 x 29 7/8 x 4 in

Installation View

Genre-Nonconforming: The DISEdutainment Network, 2017
DeYoung Museum, San Francisco

Installation View

Narrative Devices with Babak Radboy, 2017
Art Basel Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Still: Narrative Devices

Single-channel HD video
3 mins, 34 secs


Still: Narrative Devices

Single-channel HD video
3 mins, 34 secs


Image Life (Related by Contour)

Single-channel HD video installation and digital print
90 x 200 x 11.5 cm
35 3/8 x 78 3/4 x 4 1/2 in



C-type print and Winbot W830, framed
165 x 128 x 5 cm
65 x 50 3/8 x 2 in


Serenity Now

C-type print and Winbot W830, framed
165 x 128 x 5 cm
65 x 50 3/8 x 2 in



Single-channel HD video, 48" HD flat screen monitor and Capital Sports pull-up bar
88 x 101 x 48 cm
34 5/8 x 39 3/4 x 18 7/8 in

Installation View

The Island (KEN) in CO-WORKERS, 2016
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris



Single-channel HD video, 40" HD flatscreen, Dornbracht glazed white basin and fixtures
134 × 90.5 × 41 cm
52 3/4 × 35 5/8 × 16 1/8 in


Still: Positive Ambiguity (beard, lectern, teleprompter, wind machine, confidence)

Single-channel HD video
2 mins, 45 secs


Fair Trade (Sies+Höke, F21)

C-type print, framed
43.2 x 63.5 x 3.5 cm
17 x 25 x 1 3/8 in


Still: DIScrit 89plus #YoungerThanRihanna

Single-channel HD video
55 secs


Still: Emerging Artist

Single-channel HD video
1 min, 04 secs


Still: Watermarked (KENZO)

Single-channel HD video
1 min, 48 secs

Group Shows

Sophia Al-Maria, DIS, Juliana Huxtable

A Wake Up Song Mr. President

Abdellia Palace, Tunis

DIS, GCC, Shanzhai Biennial

LISTE 2015


Ad Minoliti, Aleksandra Domanović, DIS, Lynn Hershman Leeson, ...

Group Show

PNI, London

DIS, GCC, Juliana Huxtable

We Are Here

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago


Objects of Desire: Photography and the Language of Advertising

LACMA, Los Angeles

DIS, Juliana Huxtable

A Goodbye Letter, A Love Call, A Wake-Up Song | BIM 2021

Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève, Geneva


One Escape at a Time | 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale

Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul


DIS Presents: What Do People Do All Day?

Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen


Berlin Biennale 9 | The Present in Drag

KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin


DIS Presents: What Do People Do All Day?

Tranen, Hellerup 15 Oct 2020 – 18 Nov 2020

DIS, Sophia Al-Maria

I Was Raised On The Internet

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago


New Museum Triennial: Surround Audience

New Museum, New York


Ocean of Images: New Photography

Museum of Modern Art, New York

DIS, Juliana Huxtable

Art in the Age of the Internet: 1989 to Today

Institute for Contemporary Art, Boston



Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris


The Dreamers | Belgrade Biennale

Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Belgrade

DIS, GCC, Morag Keil

Art Cologne 2017

Art Cologne, Cologne

DIS, Flo Brooks, Hal Fischer, Harumi Yamaguchi, ...

LISTE 2018

LISTE, Basel

DIS, Georgie Nettell, Morag Keil

Various Others

Deborah Schamoni, Munich

DIS, Georgie Nettell, Ned Vena

Paris Internationale 2018

Paris Internationale, Paris

DIS, Harumi Yamaguchi, Juliana Huxtable, Ned Vena

Art021 2017

Art021, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai

Anna Jung Seo, DIS, Clémentine Bruno, ...

Frieze LA 2023

Frieze, Los Angeles

DIS, Juliana Huxtable, Michael Andrew Page, ...

Frieze London 2022

Frieze, London

DIS, Morag Keil, Sean Steadman

Independent New York 2016

Independent, New York

Babak Radboy, DIS

Art Basel Hong Kong 2017

Art Basel, Hong Kong


at dawn

Julia Stoschek Foundation, Berlin

DIS, Dozie Kanu

Art Basel Miami Beach 2023

Art Basel, Miami Beach


Visual Vertigo - Scenarios of Rapid Changes

Fondazione MAST, Bologna

DIS, Juliana Huxtable, Morag Keil

Frieze Seoul 2024

Frieze Seoul, Seoul

Units 1 and 3
48 Three Colts Lane
London E2 6GQ
United Kingdom

Wednesday - Saturday
12:00 - 18:00