Shu Lea Cheang
Fresh Kill
Single-channel HD video
1 hour, 20 mins

Shu Lea Cheang
Fresh Kill
Single-channel HD video
1 hour, 20 mins

Shu Lea Cheang
Fresh Kill
Single-channel HD video
1 hour, 20 mins

Shu Lea Cheang
Single-channel HD video
1 hour, 20 mins
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Fresh Kill's original release, accompanied by two young filmmakers - Jean-Paul Jones (Los Angeles based) and Jazz Franklin (New Orleans based), Shu Lea Cheang travels with the 35mm film print in 5 reels and 2 cans on a 20 city tour across the heartlands of America connecting to a demographically, racially, and gender diverse audience. For a new generation, the film is a provocative and timely challenge given a unique vision which hasn’t lost any of its satiric, poetic, or political edge.
This road trip is made possible with an LG Guggenheim 2024 Award granted to Shu Lea Cheang and generous support from participating cinemas and art centres across the USA.
Coined as an eco cybernoia film, an avant-anarcho ecosatire, FRESH KILL envisions a post-apocalyptic landscape strewn with electronic detritus and suffering the toxic repercussions of mass marketing in a high-tech commodity culture. “Kill” is Dutch for stream, Fresh Kill tells the story of two young lesbian parents caught up in a global exchange of industrial waste via contaminated sushi. The place is New York and the time is now. Raw fish lips are the rage on trendy menus across Manhattan. A ghost barge, bearing nuclear refuse, circles the planet in search of a willing port. Household pets start to glow ominously and then disappear altogether. The sky opens up and snows soap flakes. People start speaking in dangerous tongues. A riveting and densely packed film, Fresh Kill evokes the furious rhythms of channel surfing with its rapid-fire editing style.
13 September - Brattle Theatre, Cambridge, MA
14 September - Scribe Video Center, Ambler Theater, Ambler PA
15 September - Pittsburgh Sound + Image, Harris Theater, Pittsburgh, PA
16 September - Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
18 September - Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky
19 September - Athens Cine, Athens, Georgia
20 September – PATOIS, The Broad Theatre, New Orleans, Louisiana
21 September - Austin Film Society, Austin, Texas
22 September - Circle Cinema, Tulsa, Oklahoma
24 September - Ragtag Cinema, Columbia, Missouri
25 September - Music Box Theatre, Chicago, Illinois
28 September - Marquee Arts, Ann Arbor, Michigan
30 September – Stray Cat Film Center, Kansas City, Missouri
02 October - Film Streams’ Ruth Sokolof Theatre, Omaha, Nebraska
05 October - Guild Cinema, Albuquerque, New Mexico
09 October - Grand Illusion Cinema, Seattle, WA
10 October - Hollywood Theatre, Portland, Oregon
12 October - Roxie, San Francisco, CA
13 October - Mezzanine, Brain Dead Studios, Los Angeles, CA
15 October - Pollock Theatre, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA